(2019) iCERi 2202-2207

  • 11-13/11/2019
    Determining an extraordinary constant: a PLS project
    Barbara Balossi, Matteo Bozzi, Maurizio Zani
    iCERi, XII International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (Seville – Spain)
    Atti 2202-2207 (2019) [ISBN 978-84-09-05948-5, ISSN 2340-1095] – doi 10.21125/iceri.2019.0604



The Italian government recently reformed the examination which concludes the Secondary School study programme. With reference to the Liceo Scientifico, i.e. a specific kind of High School with students specializing in scientific subjects, this reform emphasized the crucial role played by Physics in this curriculum. Consequently, revamping the teaching of Physics should be a primary goal. This change ought to increase the time and energies allotted to experimental didactic activities as well as the use of ad hoc educational videos on Physics phenomena.

Our research team developed an instructional experience based on the experimental measurement of Planck constant h, a fundamental Physics constant, run directly by a group of 17-year old students attending the Liceo Scientifico Statale “G. B. Grassi” located in Lecco, in the north-west of Italy. Moreover, a didactic video of the same experiment was produced by the Experimental teaching lab. ST2 of the Politecnico di Milano in order to foster students’ reflection on the same experience as a follow-up activity. This synergistic use of the laboratory activity and the related video can be regarded as a significant novelty in teaching innovation. Finally, in an Open Educational Resources philosophy (OER), this video will be made available on the web site of the Lab. ST2 YouTube channel.

Our project was developed in the context of the Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche, a government programme which funds didactic innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Higher Education and at Secondary School level.
