Inviato articolo a Challenges in Physics Education
Inviato l’articolo a Challenges in Physics Education “Orientation activities for high school students: propaedeutic test and open-ended Physics lab”.
Lab. di sperimentazione didattica
Inviato l’articolo a Challenges in Physics Education “Orientation activities for high school students: propaedeutic test and open-ended Physics lab”.
Inviato l’articolo a Statistica Applicata – Italian Journal of Applied Statistics “Peer learning in large size format: is it effective in bolstering problem-solving and metacognitive skills?”.
Pubblicato l’articolo su Nuovo Cimento C “Peer learning in higher education: an example of practices“.
Pubblicati gli atti del convegno PCE 2023 “An Italian large case study on Emergency Remote Teaching: factors and predictors which affect Higher Education students’ attitude“.
Pubblicato l’articolo su Education Sciences “Exploring effective Physics teaching strategies in High Schools during the COVID-19 pandemic“.
Accettato l’articolo su Education Sciences “Exploring effective Physics teaching strategies in high schools during the COVID-19 pandemic“.
Inviato l’articolo a Education Sciences “Exploring effective Physics teaching strategies in high schools during the COVID-19 pandemic”.
Inviato l’articolo a Education Research International “Factors and predictors of Emergency Remote Teaching: the case of Italian engineering students”.
Pubblicato l’articolo su The Physics Teacher “Origin of the Laplace force applied to a current-carrying wire immersed in a magnetic field“.
Inviato l’articolo a Nuovo Cimento “Peer learning in higher education: an example of practices”.